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PepsiCo's Final Season Offers Innovative Productions of Mozart Operas.

Classical Music Critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews the final three performances of the PepsiCo Summerfare Arts Festival at Purchase, New York. For ten years, the Pepsi-Cola company has underwritten an annual international arts festival that will best be remembered for its ambitious presentations of operas by Mozart and Handel that were directed by Peter Sellars. In this segment, Lloyd reviews performances of Mozart's three great Italian operas, "The Marriage of Figaro," "Don Giovanni" and "Cosi fan tutte."


Rare Examples of Toscanini Conducting Released on CD.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews two new compact discs of music conducted by Arturo Toscanini. Schwartz says these two discs are rare examples of Toscanini conducting live performances while still at the height of his powers.


Pianist Dubravka Tomsic.

Pianist Dubravka Tomsic. Tomsic came to the United States from her native Yugoslavia as a teenager. Her playing so impressed Arthur Rubinstein that he personally intervened with the Yugoslavian government to fund her music studies here. Tomsic returned to Yugoslavia after her graduation from Juilliard. She is now back in the United States for the first time in 30 years, for a small number of concerts and recording sessions.


Recordings of the Great Pianist Dubravka Tomsic Reach the United States.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews the latest recording of Yugoslavian pianist Dubravka Tomsic. Tomsic launched her career in America as a teenager, was a student of Arthur Rubinstein, played with the New York Philharmonic, and made her debut at Carnegie Hall before returning to Yugoslavia. Last year she was rediscovered in America on a number of critically acclaimed compact discs. On July 10 she returns to America to open the Newport Festival.


A Career-Spanning CD of Virgil Thomson's Music

The American composer was born in the 19th century, and has won nearly every major music award. At 93, he still lives in New York's Chelsea Hotel. Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new album of his symphonic and operatic works.


A State of the Art Science Fiction Opera.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a recording of the recent opera Valis, based on Philp K. Dick's novel of the same name. He says much of the music is haunting, but is often repetitive and sentimental. Yet it's still a beguiling piece of wizardry.


A Showcase of Early Music

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz recently attended the Boston Early Music Festival, which featured all-day programs of performances and workshops. He has this review.


A German Baritone Sings Mozart's Arias

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a CD of Olaf Bar's performances of selections from Mozart's operatic oeuvre. Schwartz says Bar's lower range is limited, causing him to growl and bark. It's an affect that might work for a full production, but is distracting in a recital setting.


Revisiting Early Gilbert and Sullivan Recordings

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews reissues of the songwriting team's music, recorded in the early 20th century. Schwartz praises the performers' precise renditions of these classic compositions.


Can Movie Music Be Good Music?

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz says that some composers elevate film scores, including Bernard Hermann, who wrote the music for several Alfred Hitchcock movies. A new collection of those compositions is now out on CD.


The Cultural Heritage of American Musicals

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new Smithsonian box set of American musicals from throughout the twentieth century. His only complaint is that, with such a wealth of archival material, he wonders why more serious and contemporary music was included.


The Physical Toll of a Career in Music

Cellist Janet Horvath suffered from tendinitis, which was caused by overzealous practicing. Now fully recovered, she works to call attention to the numerous playing-related ailments and injuries professional musicians of all kinds are subject to.


The Best Years of a Barrier-Breaking Singer

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new collection of recordings by the African American singer Marian Anderson, a contralto known for her masterful rendition of art songs and spirituals.


Russell Sherman Takes Liszt Seriously

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz that many performers have overlooked Liszt's music, in part because of the composer's flamboyant reputation. But a new album by pianist Russell Sherman reveals the craft and innovations of Liszt's work.


A Soloist Provides His Own Accompaniment

Part 2 of the Fresh Air interview with composer Steve Reich. He talks about a new compostion called Electric Counterpoint, written for guitarist Pat Metheney. Metheny pre-recorded ten tracks, then performed the solo part live.


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