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Debunking Mozart Myths.

Musicologist H.C. Robbins Landon. His new book, "Mozart: The Golden Years," traces the most troubling and creative period of the composers life, the years 1781-91. During this period, Mozart completed three controversial operas, married and wooed his wife Constanze Weber, became entangled in financial difficulties, and lived through the death of his father. In this book, the second of two volumes on the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Landon, further explores the link between Mozart's "manic depressive disorder" and his creativity.


Strings Enhance Vaché's Jazz Sound.

Jazz critic Kevin Whitehead reviews "Warm Evenings," the new album by cornet player Warren Vaché (pronounced va-SHAY). On this album, Vaché teams up with classical music's Beaux-Arts String Quartet.


A Composer With a Foot in Two Worlds.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews three reissues of music by composer Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Korngold was a success at both serious composition and writing music for the movies...among his film scores are the classics "The Sea Hawk," and "The Adventures of Robin Hood."


Violinist Shlomo Mintz.

Violinist Shlomo Mintz. Mintz was born in Moscow and emigrated with his family two years later to Israel. He made his concerto debut at age 11 with Zubin Mehta, and has continued to appear with Mehta each season since. Mintz is considered one of the foremost violinists of this generation.


Sir Michael Tippett Conducts His Own Works.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new recording of works by Sir Michael Tippett. Tippett is generally considered the greatest living British composer. He's in the U.S. for the world premiere of his fifth opera, "New Year," in Houston on October 27.


Recorder Player and Conductor Frans Brüggen.

Dutch recorder player and conductor Frans Brüggen (BROO-gen). He's one of the world's preeminent recorder players. In 1981, he formed the Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century which uses period instruments for its repertoire of Renaissance and Baroque music.


Weill Before Brecht.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz has a review of a never-before-recorded Kurt Weill (Vile) opera. Weill is best-known for his collaborations with playwright Bertolt Brecht, such as "The Threepenny Opera" and "The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahogany".


Conducting the Waltz.

Classical Music Critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a collection of waltzes by members of Vienna's Strauss family. The album is conducted by Carlos Kleiber, son of the great Viennese conductor Erich Kleiber.


New Winds Fuse Jazz and Classical Music.

Jazz Critic Kevin Whitehead reviews the first album by the trio New Winds, whose members have experiences in both jazz and classical music. Clarinetist J.D. Parran has played with an improviser's collective called The Black Artists Group, saxophonist Ned Rothenberg plays with a band that does covers of 60s songs, and flutist Robert Dick has played primarily with classical ensembles.


Rare Performance of Mozart Pieces.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a recording of what he considers two of Mozart's most beautiful works of chamber music for string quartet and winds. The recording features the British Gabrieli String Quartet.


Fritz Kreisler's Ravishing Playing Captured on New Release of His Early Recordings.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new release of performances of four violin concertos by Fritz Kreisler. Kreisler, an Austrian who died in 1962, was probably the most renown violinist in the world in the period between the two World Wars. The double compact-disc set, which also includes three shorter pieces, is released on the Music and Arts label.


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