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11 Segments




Amy Wilentz Discusses the Politics and Government of Haiti.

Journalist Amy Wilentz. Her first book, The Rainy Season, Haiti since Duvalier, is an account of Haiti since the overthrow of President-for-Life Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier, and of how the country's hope for reform gave way to despair when it was clear Haiti's new leadership couldn't, or wouldn't, reverse 40 years of chaos and stagnation. The book is also an account of how Wilentz was transformed by the story, of how the epochal change Haiti was going through, and its stunning contrast of poverty and corrupted wealth, overwhelmed her first assumptions.


The History and Stars of Compas/Kompa.

World music commentator Milo Miles talks about compas (or kompa, or konpa), the popular music of Haiti. He shows how the roots of compas are in the eclectic musical influences Haiti has absorbed over the years.


Haitian Vodou Music and Ritual.

Anthropologist Elizabeth McAlister is an expert on Haitian Vodou and she's studied Haitian Vodou in Brooklyn and in Haiti. She's compiled a new album of sacred and ceremonial music recorded in Haiti and in New York, "Rhythms of Rapture" and contributed to a new book "Sacred Arts of Haitian Vodou." (Smithsonian Folkways).


Haitian Filmmaker and Politician Raoul Peck.

Haitian filmmaker Raoul Peck. He's also the new Minister of Culture in Haiti. His most recent movie is "The Man By the Shore", a dark movie set in a seemingly sleepy, run-down fictional town during the middle of the dictatorship of Francois (Pappa Doc) Duvalier in the 1960s. The film is being distributed by a small New York entertainment group, KJM3 (tel. 212-689-0950). It opens on Friday May 17 at the Quad Cinema in Manhattan.


Journalist Amy Wilentz

She has reported on Haiti for a number of years and is the author of the book The Rainy Season: Haiti Since Duvalier. She also edited and translated the book In the Parish of the Poor: Writings from Haiti by deposed president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Wilentz is a contributing editor for The Nation, and a former associate professor of journalism at Columbia University.


Understanding the Haiti Crisis

Kathie Klarreich is a freelance writer who has covered Haiti for more than 15 years. She is a Christian Science Monitor stringer and op-ed writer — and is currently reporting for Time magazine. She'll talk to us from Port-au-Prince.


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