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Republican Party

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U.S. Senator James Jeffords of Vermont

U.S. Senator James Jeffords of Vermont. Last May he shocked his fellow Republicans when he defected from the party and became an Independent. Stating that he could no longer reconcile his beliefs with the party, he switched allegiences. In doing so he deprived the Republicans of their trifecta: control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. He explains how he came to make the decision in the new book, My Declaration of Independence


Reactions to the News that Dick Cheney's Daughter is Gay.

In light of the news that Republican V-P candidate Dick Cheney’s daughter is a lesbian, we speak to two people close to the issue. First, Reverend Louis Sheldon, Chairman and Founder of the Coalition for Traditional Values ( HYPERLINK "" The Coalition for Traditional Values is the largest non-denominational grassroots church lobby in America, founded in 1980.


Wayne Barrett On Rudy Giuliani.

Wayne Barrett, author of the book, “Rudy!: An Investigative Biography of Rudolph Giuliani” (Basic Books). Rudolph Giuliani, the mayor of New York City, recently dropped out of the highly visible New York Senate race, after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The Mayor is a controversial figure; some think of him as a savior who has cleaned up Manhattan’s streets, while others see him as a turn around artist and brut. Barrett's book traces Guiliani’s life and career—from college student to U.S. attorney, to mayor of New York City and possible senate candidate.


William Weld Tells the Truth of Dirty Politics in Fiction

Former governor of Massachusetts (1991-1997) William Weld. As a Republican, he's been criticized by many of his fellow party members for his un-Republican-like stances. He's pro-gay, pro-choice on abortion, and he endorses condom distribution in public schools. He'll talk with Terry about breaking rank with other Republicans, especially in light of today's partisan politics. Weld is also the author of a novel, "Mackerel by Moonlight" (Simon & Schuster)


Republican Advisor Richard Darman on the Reagan Revolution

Former Reagan advisor and Bush budget director, Richard Darman has written the book "Who's In Control?: Polar Politics and the Sensible Center," from Simon and Schuster. As Budget Director under President Bush, Darman pressured Bush to approve a tax increase. This broke Bush's promise "Read My Lips, No New Taxes." Terry talks to Darman about the tax increase, this year's Presidential elections, and about why Darmen thinks both parties are too polarized today to be effective.


Political Consultant Ed Rollins on His Relationship with the Republican Party

Retired Republican political consultant Ed Rollins has just written a book chronicling his 30 years in American politics, "Bare Knuckles and Back Rooms: My Life in American Politics." He began his political life a Democrat, working for Bobby Kennedy's campaign in 1968. After an experience at a violent demonstration he became a Republican and worked his way up to become President Reagan's top political advisor.


The Split Between Centrist and Far Right Conservatives

Former conservative Michael Lind. As a writer and editor he worked closely with the leaders of American conservatism: as research assistant to William F. Buckley, Jr. and editor of the National Interest. He became disillusioned with the party because of it's economic policies and the dominance of such groups as the Christian Coalition. He also denounced Pat Buchanan in 1992. Lind's new book is "Up From Conservatism: Why the Right is Wrong for America." He's currently senior editor of The New Yorker.


Conservative Commentator William Kristol.

"New eras demand new voices." words from William Kristol defending the creation of his new conservative magazine "The Weekly Standard." Kristol talks with Terry Gross about why he feels vigorous debate among conservatives is needed if republicans want to lead the nation. Kristol is editor and publisher of the Standard which has been criticized for highlighting divisions within the Republican Party. Kristol has served as chief of staff for one time Secretary of Education William Bennet and for Vice President Day Quayle.


Ronald Brownstein Examines the Current Republican Presidential Campaign.

National Political correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, Ronald Brownstein. He has collaborated on a new book, Storming the Gates: Protest Politics and the Republican Revival (Little, Brown and Company, written with Dan Balz, national editor of the Washington Post). In the book they look at how the Republicans captured Congress, so shortly after the defeat of George Bush in the presidential election, and how the Republican party has changed dramatically in the last ten years.


Political Satirist Al Franken Strikes Out on His Own with New Book.

Political satirist Al Franken. He was one of the original writers for Saturday Night Live. He's won four Emmys for his writing on the show. His most popular character is Stuart Smalley, the new age cable TV host. He left the show last season. His new book "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations" (Delacorte Press) is his look at American politics and the Republican revolution. The Kirkus Reviews writes, "he attacks with a wonderful lack of civility. . .and he does it with two murderous weapons: satire and facts. . ."


Newt Gingrich and GOPAC Revealed.

Investigative journalist for the New York Times, Steve Engelberg. He's the co-author of the article "Birth of a Vision" (Sunday, Dec 3, NYT) about Newt Gingrich and GOPAC, the political committee that supports Republican party candidates and office holders. The organization was headed by Gingrich until last spring. Documents that have just become public disclose that as early as five years ago Gingrich and his "political intimates" planned a takeover of Congress. But they failed to gain support from President Bush.


General Colin Powell: The Fresh Air Interview.

Four-star General, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell. He has a new autobiography My American Journey (Random House, written with Joseph E. Persico), and an anxious audience, waiting to see if he will declare his candidacy for President of the United States. Powell first came to the attention of the American public during the Gulf War, officiating at the televised gulf war briefings. Powell retired from the military in 1993, after 35 years in uniform.


Ralph Reed's "Contract with the American Family."

Executive Director of the Christian Coalition, Ralph Reed. The Christian Coalition is a national organization dedicated to mobilizing the religious right, for political and legislative objectives. The coalition was founded by evangelist Pat Robertson. It's "Contract with the American Family" includes calls for: school prayer; eliminating federal funding for abortions; limits on late-term abortions; restrictions on pornography on the Internet, and eliminating federal funding for the NEA and public broadcasting.


Republicans Work to Fulfill "The Contract with America"

Ed Gillespie, co-editor of the book The Contract With America and policy and communications director of the House Republican Conference. He believes the welfare reforms outlined in the Republican agenda are accurate assessments of what is needed to correct the current welfare system.


New Visions for Welfare Reform

We'll hear from Jason DeParle. He covers anti-poverty policy for the New York Times. With the new Congress in session, a major debate over America's social welfare policy is expected. DeParle talks about what proposals we're likely to see from the Republicans and from the Clinton Administration, and how these might affect women and African Americans in particular.


Bill Clinton Reckons with a Republican Congress

Washington political commentator Elizabeth Drew, author of "On the Edge: The Clinton Presidency." The book examines Clinton's first eighteen months in office. She talks with Terry about last night's election and what it will mean for the White House.


The Republican "Face of AIDS."

Mary Fisher was the face of AIDS/HIV at the Republican National Convention in 1992 where she gave a speech imploring the party to lift the "shroud of silence" about the disease. Fisher comes from a wealthy prominent Republican family. Her father, Max Fisher was Honorary Chairman of the Bush/Quayle '92 National Finance Committee. Since she went public about her HIV-positive status, Fisher has been an eloquent voice in the fight against AIDS misinformation and discrimination. She's also the founder of the Family AIDS Network, Inc.


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