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Martin, Dean, 1917-1995

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Journalist and Biographer Nick Tosches.

Journalist and biographer Nick Tosches. His new biography is "Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams," (by Doubleday). It's about singer Dean Martin but it also looks at the culture that created him. He was part of the mob culture, and Hollywood's "Rat Pack." The book also delves into the reasons for the infamous breakup between Dean Martin and his comedy partner, Jerry Lewis. Dean Martin is now 75 years old.


British actor Jeremy Northam

British actor Jeremy Northam stars in the new CBS movie Martin & Lewis about Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis (he plays Martin) which airs Sunday. Northam recently starred in Gosford Park, Possesion and Enigma. In 2003 he stars in the new film The Singing Detective.


Jerry Lewis on Dean Martin: 'A Love Story'

From 1950 to 1956, the team of Martin and Lewis were America's favorite entertainers. A new memoir from Jerry Lewis details how their 10-year partnership was destroyed. Dean and Me: A Love Story details life behind the scenes of 16 films and numerous TV and club shows.


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