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Nadine Gordimer's Returns with a New Novel

The white South African writer's latest book is called My Son's Story, about a mixed-race family. She joins Fresh Air to talk about why she stays in in her home country, despite political unrest. A long-time anti-apartheid activist, she's recently become a member of the African National Congress.


Novelist William Styron and His New "Memoir of Madness"

In 1985, novelist William Styron fell into a deep depression. He documented the years he was incapacitated by the illness, and how he coped, in his new book, Darkness Visible. Looking back at his early writing, Styron believes depression informed his novels, like The Confessions of Nat Turner and Sophie's Choice.


Actress and Author Carrie Fisher

Fisher wrote the screenplay for the film adaptation of her novel, Postcards From the Edge, directed by Mike Nichols, and starring Meryl Streep and Shirley McLaine. Best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars trilogy, Fisher also has a new novel called, Surrender the Pink. She is the daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher.


Novelist Jim Harrison

Harrison has new collection of novellas, called The Woman Lit by Fireflies. He lives in relative isolation with his family on a farm in upstate Michigan.


Crime Fiction Writer James Ellroy

Ellroy grew up in Los Angeles; his mother was murdered when Ellroy was still a child. He credits these two experiences with leading him on his path toward becoming a crime writer. His latest novel is called L.A. Confidential.


A First-Time Novelist and His Remarkable Debut

Dennis McFarland's severe stage fright led him to give up a career as a concert pianist. He chose writing instead, in part because it didn't involve performing in front of an audience. His first novel, about a divorcé whose brother commits suicide, is called The Music Room.


Writer Michael Herr.

Michael Herr. He wrote what's considered the definitive Vietnam book, "Dispatches." His new book is a novel based on the life of Walter Winchell.


Tom Robbins' "Pop-Baroque" Style of Writing.

Novelist Tom Robbins. His latest book "Skinny Legs and All," (Bantam Books) involves a young Virginia artist, Ellen Cherry, who moves to New York to pursue an art career and ends up a waitress at Isaac & Ishmael's, a restaurant owned by an Arab and a Jew which sits across the street from the United Nations. Other characters of note: Salome, the teenage belly dancer, and some magical objects: a conch, a stick, a sock, a can o'beans, and a spoon.


Paul Auster on Leaving Room for the Reader.

Writer Paul Auster. Auster began his writing life first as a poet and translator. In a review of his fifth novel, "Moon Palace," Jane Smiley said, "Auster's style is continually surprising and arresting...the characters are drawn with precision and wit...with great generosity and love." Auster's other books include City of Glass, Ghosts, and a memoir, The Invention of Solitude. (Interview by Marty Moss-Coane)


Vietnam Vet Tim O'Brien Explores Brutal Truths of War through Fiction.

Novelist Tim O'Brien. He was writing about Vietnam long before it became fashionable to do so. His Vietnam memoir, "If I die in a Combat Zone," was published in 1973. O'Brien's 1979 novel "Going After Cacciato" was praised for its depiction of the Vietnam War. It also was the surprise winner of the 1979 National Book Awards -- beating out books by John Irving and John Cheever.


Ed McBain Discusses Writing His Mystery Novels.

Mystery writer Ed McBain (also known as Evan Hunter). He's known for his finely detailed "87th Precinct" mysteries. Mystery fans call McBain's books "procedurals" for their close attention to police procedures. McBain also wrote, under a his real name (which he legally changed in 1952), the screenplay for the movie, "The Blackboard Jungle." (Interview by Sedge Thomson)


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