Your Guide to Socially Responsible Businesses.
Consumer advocate Alice Tepper Marlin. Marlin's executive director of the Council on Economic Priorities and one of the authors of "Shopping For a Better World: A Quick and Easy Guide to Socially Responsible Supermarket Shopping." The guide helps consumers choose what items to buy, based on the environmental, social, and employment practices of the manufacturers. The guide rates more than 1800 supermarket items and 168 companies for factors such as environment, employee family benefits, ties to South Africa, and management opportunities for women. (The guide's available for $4.95 plus $1 postage and handling from The Council on Economic Priorities, 30 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003, or call 1-800-U-CAN-HEL(P). There's also a mass-market, paperback sized version available from Ballantine Books).
Other segments from the episode on February 27, 1990
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