David Rieff and the New "Self-Help."
Writer David Rieff (pronounced "reef"). he's the author of the new book, "Los Angeles: Capital of the Third World,"(published by Simon and Schuster). He'll talk to Marty about the recovery movement, the proliferation of such self-help books as "Healing the Child Within," and "Choice-Making for Co-dependents," and the popularity of such pop-psychology gurus as John Bradshaw. Rieff says that such groups are radical in their beliefs and even dangerous, that they encourage individuals to remember real and imagined injuries at the expense of the rest of society that doesn't have time or money for such self-indulgence. Rieff has just written an article in the October Harper's Magazine, "Victims, All? Recovery, co-dependency, and the art of blaming somebody else." (Interview by Marty Moss-Coane).
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Other segments from the episode on September 19, 1991
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