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Hussein, Saddam, 1937-2006

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33 Segments




Palestinian Scholar Walid Khalidi on Recent Events in the Arab World

Khalidi is currently the senior member of the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to the Middle East Peace Conference. He's considered one of the most influential thinkers about the Arab-Israeli conflict, and a man who has never shied away from criticizing policies pursued by all parties involved. His latest book is a collection of his essays about the history and politics of the Arab-Israeli conflict, called "Palestine Reborn."


Saddam Hussein's Recent Military Actions in the Gulf

Journalist and professor Fred Halliday. He's a professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics, and has written extensively on the Cold War and the Third World for "The Nation," and "The Middle East Report." He'll talk about the possible threat of another military showdown in Iraq.


"The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein."

Journalist Patrick Cockburn (CO-BURN). He's been a senior Middle East Correspondent for the Financial Times and the London Independent. He's the co-author of the new book, "Out of the Ashes: The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein" (HarperCollins). He'll discuss the bombing campaign against Iraq, Saddam's hold on power, the royal family and more.


Dickey: 'How We Helped Create Saddam'

Journalist Christopher Dickey is the Paris bureau chief and Middle East regional editor for Newsweek magazine. He's co-author of the cover story for the Sept. 23 issue, "How We Helped Create Saddam: And Can We Fix Iraq After He's Gone?" Dickey is also a novelist, and author of Summer of Deliverance: A Memoir of Father and Son about his relationship with his father, poet and novelist James Dickey.


Journalist Mark Bowden

Journalist Mark Bowden discusses Saddam Hussein, the subject of his cover story for the May issue of The Atlantic Monthly. The story is –Tales of the Tyrant: The private life and inner world of Saddam Hussein. Bowden is also author of the bestseller Black Hawk Down, which was made into a film. His book Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the Worlds Greatest Outlaw, about the U.S. government's role in bringing down Colombian cocaine kingpin and terrorist Pablo Escobar is now in paperback. It won the Overseas Press Club Award for best non fiction book on foreign affairs.


Director of Counterterrorism Daniel Benjamin

Former White House Director of Counterterrorism Daniel Benjamin has co-authored the book The Age of Sacred Terror with Steven Simon, the former Senior Director of Counterterrorism. Benjamin and Simon began writing the book more than a year before Sept. 11, 2001. As director and co-director at the National Security Council, they saw the rise of al Qaeda. In the book, they warn about the new generation of terrorists and set out to understand the enemy. Additionally, the authors wish to explain how we let our defenses down and what to expect in the future.


Journalist Elizabeth Neuffer

She is the foreign affairs/U.N. correspondent for The Boston Globe. She recently returned from Iraq, where she is reporting on the preparations for war. She has also reported on the war on terrorism from Afghanistan. Her recent book, The Key to My Neighbor's House: Seeking Justice in Bosnia and Rwanda, is about the war crimes tribunals and the efforts of victims to find justice. Neuffer was on Fresh Air in December 2002, speaking about journalists attending boot camp in preparation for war coverage.


Peter W. Galbraith

He is a former U.S. ambassador to Croatia, and is now professor of national-security studies at the National War College in Washington, D.C. Since the late 1980s he has been tracking Iraqi war crimes. He has also worked closely with the Kurds — who control a small territory in northern Iraq. Galbraith will talk about what a post-Saddam Iraq might look like.


Rebuilding Iraq

A talk with foreign correspondent Elizabeth Rubin. Rubin writes for The New York Times Magazine, The New Republic and The Atlantic Monthly. She has reported from Afghanistan, the Middle East and Iraq.


The Capture of of Saddam Hussein

Journalist Vernon Loeb covers the military for The Washington Post. He just returned from five weeks in Iraq. He discusses the situation there and the capture of Saddam Hussein.


Stories from Iraq: 'Night Draws Near'

Anthony Shadid's new book is Night Draws Near: Iraq's People in the Shadow of America's War. Shadid is the Baghdad correspondent for The Washington Post. The book culls stories from Shadid's many visits to Iraq over the past eight years.


Professor Kanan Makiya

Iraqi-born professor Kanan Makiya teaches Islamic and Middle Eastern studies at Brandeis University, outside Boston. He is one of the leading Arab intellectuals who called for the removal of Saddam Hussein; he also advised the Bush administration before the invasion of Iraq.


Assessing the Human Cost of Air Strikes in Iraq

As chief of high-value targeting for the Pentagon, Marc Garlasco helped plan the targets of laser-guided bombs during the invasion of Iraq. Now a senior analyst with Human Rights Watch, Garlasco visits war zones where he assesses the damage being done to civilians by bombs and lobbies for greater deliberation in the use of air power.


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