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Harry Stein on Male Identity in the Modern Era.

Essayist Harry Stein. Stein wrote the popular "Ethics" column for Esquire Magazine. He writes a syndicated column for the United Features Syndicate. He's written a book titled One of the Guys: The Wising Up of an American Man. In it, he shares his thoughts on why men are the way they are.


AIDS and Questions of Medical Ethics

Public health expert Ronald Bayer says that the AIDS epidemic is forcing medical professionals to rethink issues of privacy and mandatory screening. Complicating the matter is the fact that the disease disproportionately affects vulnerable communities like homosexuals, people of color, and intravenous drug users. Bayer says one of best ways to deal with AIDS is to change the sexual climate of the country, wherein individuals become more forthright about communication and protection.


New Issues in Medical Ethics

Biomedical ethicist Arthur Caplan. He discusses the right to die and the implications of doctor-assisted suicide -- specifically how Dr. Jack Kevorkian has been helping patients die. Caplan is Director of Biomedical Ethics and a professor in the Departments of Philosophy and Surgery at the University of Minnesota.


It's Time to Talk Frankly About Death.

Medical ethicist Daniel Callahan. His new book is "The Troubled Dream of Life: Living with Mortality." (Simon & Schuster). In it he looks at how our society views death: If death is a "part of life," why do we have such trouble accepting it? And how do our attitudes about death affect medical and social policy?


The Twentieth Anniversary of the Quinlan Decision: The Ethics of Removing Life Support.

Medical ethicist Art Caplan. He's Director of the Center for Bioethics and Trustee Professor of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. He'll talk with Terry about the ethics of death and dying and how the debate has changed since the Quinlan's first brought their case before the court. Caplan's most recent book is "Moral Matters: Ethical Issues in Medicine and the Life Sciences." (John Wiley & Sons).


The Future of Dying.

Medical ethicist Art Caplan. Director of the Center for Bioethics and Trustee Professor of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. This is a continuation of yesterday's interview with Caplan. His most recent book is "Moral Matters: Ethical Issues in Medicine and the Life Sciences." (John Wiley & Sons).


Re-Evaluating the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics

A talk with two individuals at the forefront of medical ethics: Robert Baker, Professor of Philosophy at Union College in Schenectady, New York who contends that medicine is in its biggest crisis in 150 years. (It was in 1847 that the AMA wrote it's code of ethics). And Medical Ethicist Art Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.


Biomedical ethicist Arthur Caplan, Ph.D.

Biomedical ethicist Arthur Caplan, Ph.D. We talk about the news that human embryos are being grown by researchers doing stem cell research. Previously, the cells were harvested from aborted fetuses. The idea of fetal farming is quite controversial. Proponents cite the enormous potential for finding cures to cancer, Alzheimer and diabetes. Opponents are aghast at the notion of using and destroying human life for the sole purpose of research. Caplan is the Director of the Center for Bioethics and Trustee Professor of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania.


Stem-Cell Series Nets Pulitzer for 'Globe' Writer

Gareth Cook covers science for The Boston Globe. Last week, he won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for explanatory journalism for his yearlong series of stories on stem-cell research. The judges praised Cook's work for explaining "the complex scientific and ethical dimensions of stem cell research."


Bioethics And The Obama Administration

Bioethicist Arthur Caplan discusses the health care challenges facing the Obama administration. A professor of Bioethics at The University of Pennsylvania, Caplan was recently named one of the ten most influential people in science by Discover Magazine.


Medicine's Rising Costs Put Hippocratic Oath At Risk

Are doctors rationing health care? Health policy analyst Gregg Bloche says doctors routinely compromise the principles of the Hippocratic Oath when they decided which expensive tests and treatments they can and can't provide, in order to please lawmakers, lawyers and insurance companies.


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