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Harry Shearer

As a Guest

16 segments

Actor, Broadcaster, and Satirist Harry Shearer on His Early Career

Among his many roles in entertainment, Shearer is also one of the creators of and performers in the mock-rock group Spinal Tap. He also does several voices on "The Simpsons." Shearer has a new book of the columns he wrote for the Los Angeles Times Magazine. He'll also be appearing tomorrow at The Museum of Television & Radio in New York City, to talk about his work on "Saturday Night Live" and his syndicated radio program, "Le Show."


What to Expect from a Clinton Presidency

Some reactions to the inauguration and thoughts about the new administration from satirist and voice actor Harry Shearer, language commentator Geoffrey Nunbert, and Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Middle East expert Geoffrey Kemp.


Spinal Tap Reunion.

Satirist Harry Shearer. Shearer has an eclectic career: he does many of the voices on the TV series "The Simpsons," he has a weekly program on many public radio stations called "Le Show," he often has character roles in movies, and he's one of the members of the parody heavy metal rock group "Spinal Tap." This year, Spinal Tap's releasing a new album and going out on tour.


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